Previously.. on About Water to Wine..12

Water to Wine started off as a memoirish collection of soulful ponderings by yours truly, a wanna-be writer & poet, and a general no-body, in August, 2020.

For years, I’ve built new websites & blogs to coincide with the different chapters of my life, closing each one off every year or so, perhaps even doubling up: writing about this idea on this one, musing about that idea on that one. Water to Wine is the longest I’ve ever stayed in one space and was meant to be the coalescence of all of me: Catholic, Daughter of the Church, Third Order Discalced Carmelite, wife, mother, teacher, essayist, poet, naturalist, explorer, wander-wonderer, lover.

It is now nearly August, 2023.. and where once I wrote as frequently as three or four times a day, I now meander through & tap-tap here perhaps once a month. Something’s happened, and I’m not sure what. Though I’m still trying to find my rhythm, what I can tell you is this —

Water to Wine still aims to see the holy of daily life at the intersection of Love, relationships, and Faith, in the form of simple daily thought. Seeing through veils.. peering through the hidden until my Mystical Sight is restored.. seeing God.. loving Him intimately, loving neighbor deeply.

Writing is a form of prayer for me. I hope to make it by at least 3 times a week, maybe more. Sometimes I’ll mail out, sometimes I’ll discreetly post.. I usually write in the form for letters, because I miss them so.. and even though I’m here and you’re there, I still try to see Who I’m talking to..

‘tis the only way to walk through life.

in Love,
your veronica🔥


After all these months, Water to Wine is still under development.. writing, spiritual, Catholic development.

I’m just a girl among friends trying to sort out online life in our modern world. I think deeply & tend to think out loud on the page. The whole time, I let you peer into my soul.. I think if we did more of this with each other, we’d have a better chance of glimpsing the Divine. Don’t you think?


Sometime, 2020 (2021?)


Updating, reconsidering, more of the same. :)


Sometime, 2022.

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Letters.. Carmelite musing in Exile.


🔥Osee 2:14🔥 God in me wants to speak to the holy in you. - @HugoAE
Lay Discalced Carmelite, disciple & servant, husband of @veronicae